GW Cancer Center’s Executive Training on Navigation and Survivorship

The George Washington University (GW) Cancer Center’s Executive Training on Navigation and Survivorship is a no-cost, innovative program that teaches the nuts and bolts of navigation and survivorship program development and implementation. The program walks participants through interactive presentations, written content that summarizes the latest research and best practices, case studies and customizable activities to create a program plan. Included in the training is the Guide for Program Development and accompanying Program Development Workbook. Continuing Education credits are available for nurses, social workers and Certified Health Education Specialists.
To register for the program, visit the GW Cancer Center’s Online Academy and use enrollment code ETrain (note, this is case sensitive). Download this flyer for more information. The Online Academy is supported by Cooperative Agreement #1U38DP004972 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.