Navigation & Survivorship News

How Are You Promoting Membership Engagement in Your Local Navigator Network?

The success of your Local Navigator Network relies heavily on the participation of its members. Sharon Gentry shares examples and tips on keeping your group engaged, including your younger members.

Advancing Racial Equity

The American Public Health Association provides framework decoding racial equity scenarios.

Cancer Treatment and Sexual Health

Lillie Shockney encourages oncology navigators to normalize the conversation around sexual health for patients with cancer.

What AONN+ Can Do to Support LNNs

Sharon Gentry shares some of the ways AONN+ provides support to local navigator networks.

Whatever You Do, Vote: But First, Lovingkindness

Mandi Pratt-Chapman explains the importance of your vote and mental and physical happiness.

Working with Newly Diagnosed Cancer Patients During the Pandemic

Lillie Shockney shares some steps you can take to help patients newly diagnosed with cancer who come alone for their consultations during the pandemic.

Local Navigator Networks Supporting AONN+ Mission

Local navigator networks are exceptional at supporting the AONN+ mission in their regions.

Managing Strong Emotions During Troubling Times

Mandi Pratt-Chapman offers a few strategies to help navigators grapple with the pain of patients and their loved ones during troubling times.

How to Support Your Patients with Advanced Cancer During This Pandemic

There are no second chances when it comes to providing proper care for patients with advanced cancer; as the patient’s advocate it is vital that you discuss their goals of care.

Sharing Resources

Sharon Gentry challenges all local navigator networks (LNNs) to compile a list of community aid programs to share with local members.