Navigation & Survivorship News

When Cancer Hits Close to Home

Lillie reflects on her family’s personal experience with cancer, as well as her approach with patients.

Beyond the In-Person Meeting

New Mexico’s local navigator network is utilizing technology to connect with members remotely.

Set Learning and Improvement Goals

A navigation network can aid in completing goals in continuing education.

Helping Cancer Patients Find Humor Where They Least Expect It

Understanding and seizing opportunities to inject humor into your discussions can go a long way, not only for your patients but also for you.

Upstate of South Carolina Local Navigator Network

Guest columnist Jo W. Weathers, RN, BSN, OCN, CBCN, discusses the challenges and rewards of starting and continuing a local navigator network.

Keeping Yourself Healthy

Employing coping mechanisms can help you respond to stress.

Greater Kansas City (GKC) LNN of AONN+

On the one-year anniversary of the creation of the Greater Kansas City Local Navigator Network, President Amy Norton reflects on the challenges and rewards of starting an LNN.

Setting an Example for Our Patients with Cancer and Their Families

Navigators must be proactive in getting screened regularly to optimize their own health, as well as set a good example for their patients.

Advocating for Quality Patient Care and Optimal Patient Care Systems

If you are looking for ways to improve your delivery of care, resources are available to navigators.

Nursing Schools and Oncology Nursing

We must help ensure that student nurses are aware of nurse navigator opportunities as a chosen field of nursing, just as we have each chosen it to be a part of ours.