Navigation & Survivorship News

Helping Patients with Advanced Cancer Live with Uncertainty

These expert tips can help patients with cancer manage uncertainties and help oncology professionals cope with their own challenges as we press forward into year 3 of the pandemic.

Topics for LNN Meetings

Explore the variety of topics shared by AONN+ members to make your next meeting a productive one!

The Cost Benefit of Social Services

Payment reform that enables clinicians and organizations to address social barriers to health offers an opportunity to address inequitable health outcomes.

Doctor, Is There a Sexologist in the House?

Sexuality and intimacy are important aspects of life. Oncology navigators need to bring up the issue of sexual dysfunction during cancer treatments and discuss it with the patients like an everyday conversation.

Why Start or Join a Local Navigator Network?

When oncology navigators come together to share strategies, they can find empowerment from being challenged to think differently with “outside of the box” ideas that are shared for everyday barriers they face.

What Makes a Successful Patient Navigation Program?

A study examined implementation factors for successful patient navigation programs to optimize the sustainability of patient navigation services across cancer care settings in the United States.

COVID-19 and the Future of Cancer

The number of people diagnosed with cancer will grow in 2022 and beyond due to delayed screening tests amid the pandemic as well as the aging of the baby boom population.

Welcoming New Local Navigator Networks from 2021!

Five LNN leadership teams initiated navigator meetings amid the pandemic in 2021 to provide connectivity, collaboration, and networking for oncology professionals.

Impact of COVID on Cancer Survivorship Care

A survey of cancer survivors showed that the coronavirus pandemic did not have an adverse effect on their care.

What to Anticipate in Our World of Cancer in 2022

Make your own end-of-life plans as an example for patients who have advanced disease and will be experiencing end of life in 2022.