Houston Area Local Navigator Network

Local Navigator Networks

Mission: Our mission is to provide networking and educational opportunities for local Oncology Nurse Navigators and other oncology patient navigators in the Houston area, while promoting and developing best practices in patient navigation, and improving access to cancer care and quality of life for cancer survivors from the time of diagnosis, through treatment, and beyond.

Vision: Our vision is to build partnerships among local Oncology Nurse Navigators and other oncology patient navigators, in order to utilize shared knowledge, expertise, resources, networking, and education to help meet the local needs of the patients and survivors served locally.


  • Hold bi-monthly meetings with education opportunities, individual presentations, and data presentations
  • Maintain regularly scheduled meetings, communications, and promote networking opportunities among local Navigator Network members
  • Participate in community initiatives to improve the professional practice of nursing and quality of patient outcomes/care
  • Send two (2) local representatives to AONN+ Annual Conference
  • Provide AONN+ updates from meetings/interactions on a quarterly basis
  • Provide AONN+ a list of members within the Navigator Network with contact information
  • Create strategies for the identification and removal of specific barriers to efficient and effective patient care
  • Educate, navigate, and advocate for cancer patients from initial diagnosis through treatment and beyond
  • Improve patient outcomes through navigation
  • Identify measurable outcomes and best practices in navigation
  • Promote education and professional development of oncology nurse navigators and other oncology patient navigators in the Houston area
  • To facilitate opportunities to provide educational support and resources for the local community