Membership Testimonials

AONN+ Focuses on Exactly What I Do

Karen Marr values AONN+ because it provides her with navigator-specific tools and resources.

Paying It Forward Through an AONN+ Subcommittee

Wendy Greer loves the resources AONN+ has given her and has decided to participate in one of the AONN+ subcommittees to encourage research in navigation and "pay it forward" by sharing resources as well.

AONN+ Is Growing Along with the Navigation Profession

Roberta Gillis thinks AONN+ is uniquely positioned to help navigators as the profession continues to grow.

AONN+ Serves the Navigator Community

Jessica Burgess values AONN+ because it's navigator-specific and fills a need for navigators to obtain information and make connections.

AONN+ Is the Premier Resource for Navigation

Tricia Strusowski takes a look back on how AONN+ has evolved from its early days and explains how it's helped her to grow.

The Beauty of AONN+ Collaborations

Tricia Strusowski finds the synergy between like-minded colleagues and the positive environment to be a very powerful aspects of AONN+.

AONN+ Serves the Entire Health Care Team

Linda Burhansstipanov believes that AONN+ is valuable for providers, social workers, administrators, and other members of the health care team. Hear why.

Opportunities for AONN+ Members

Cheryl Bellomo explains how AONN+ members, whether they are new or seasoned navigators, can particpate in the association's many committees and connect with AONN+ leadership.

Why I Joined AONN+

Patricia Leighton joined AONN+ to access the most current education for nurse navigators and provide the best care for her patients.

Something for Everyone

Staci Oertle reviews the many ways navigators can participate in AONN+.