Tools & Resources

Taking the First Step: Starting a Local Navigator Network

Wondering how to get that first local navigator network meeting off the ground? Nurse Navigator Sharon Gentry offers tips and insight on starting a local navigator network. Capitalize on the "ripple effect" she advises, by taking advantage of the tools and resources at your disposal through AONN+.

Recognizing Our Accomplishments: LNN Programming Highlights

Local Navigator Networks have initiated many successful programs and events, including What Would Lillie Do?, in response to the needs of their members. The local groups are well positioned to bring their members the information they and their patients are most interested in, with financial toxicity being especially in demand recently, says Nurse Navigator Sharon Gentry.

Growing Our Local Navigator Networks

One of the most exciting aspects of AONN+ is the growth in our Local Navigator Networks. Nurse Navigator Sharon Gentry discusses how these local networks encourage cooperation, utilize shared resources, and help navigators work smarter.

What AONN+ Can Do for Social Workers

Social Workers are involved in so many different aspects of oncology care and AONN+ offers social workers opportunities to connect with oncology navigators in ways they ususally don't find elsewhere.

Delivering the Best Care to Patients

Katherine Sharpe, SVP ACS, discusses how the navigation program should work to find the best resources for patients.

Clarity in Defining Roles in a Navigation Program

Determining the goals and the tasks of individuals within the navigation team is essential in creating a successful program, explains Katherine Sharpe, SVP, ACS.

Finding Funding for Navigation Programs

Katherine Sharpe, SVP ACS, views removing barriers to care a crucial aspect of oncology navigation.

What Resources Are Available to Start a Financial Navigation Program

Clara Lambert lists some resources currently available to implement a financial navigation program.

Bring Your Strength

Lisa Simms Booth builds on Dr Jill Biden's message that everyone can bring their personal strengths to the fight against cancer.

The Time Is Now

Lisa Simms Booth on the urgent need to bring navigation to more patients.