Role of the Navigator

Sharing Patient Goals with the Cancer Care Team

Navigators recognize that their patients' life goals are important, and it's up to them to communicate their patients' needs to the health care team.

A Personal Devotion to Patient-Centered Care

Sharon Gentry shares a personal anecdote about how she helped a woman get the treatment she needed, and how that woman has become an advocate for navigators.

Advice for Newly-Diagnosed Patients with Cancer

Sharon Gentry encourages patients who have just been diagnosed with cancer to inquire about connecting with a navigator.

A Look at the AONN+ Evidence into Practice Committee

Vanessa Rodriguez discusses the Evidence into Practice Committee and how it is working to help provide a roadmap to navigators.

Navigators Can Have Many Titles

Vanessa Rodrigues describes the roles that navigators fill, identifying that navigators have many different job titles. She explains how AONN+ can help support novice and seasoned nurse navigators, patient navigators, and social workers.

Advocating for the Patient

Vanessa Rodriguez always puts the patient first.

Social Worker and Nurse Navigator: Two Roles, One Goal

Vanessa Rodriguez wears two hats — social worker and clinical nurse navigator — and she expands upon how she helps guide her patients within these roles.

Misconceptions About Navigators

Many people don't understand what a navigator does. Vanessa Rodriguez tries to clear up common misconceptions.

When Patients' Wishes Don't Match Recommended Treatment

Vanessa Rodriguez assesses what to do when the patient's desires don't align with the recommended treatment.

Clinical and Non-Clinical Navigators: A Team Experience

Penny Daughtery focuses on the increasing importance of the patient navigator and how they can work hand in hand with clinical nurse navigators to form a stronger team.