Role of the Navigator

Translating Goals to Your Team

Jennifer Klemp focuses on translating her goals when speaking to her team about implementing quality improvement changes.

In 2020 Navigation Will be Just What We Do!

Diane advocates a future where every patient has a nurse navigator and each hospital has incorporated a natural, fluid process.

Balancing Cost, Quality and Access

Maintaining the quality of care while balancing cost can be a daunting task according to Diane Robinson who discusses the importance of engaging community resources for help.

Role of the Navigator

Dr. Julie Silver discusses how navigators spend a lot of time explaining their role in the community. AONN+ helps navigators define their role and validate their position.

Role of the Oncology Nurse Navigator

Frank delaRama discusses navigator role at the forefront of cancer care, which includes helping the patient understand the new medications, the finances involved, and being the "middle man" breaking down the information for the patients.